presentation of research project
Our founder, Pamela Caravas, has been in the educational field for more than 30 years. And she has been working in the coaching field since 2009. Her love for quality education and quality coaching led to her research along with fellow coaches and professors on a topic that is hard to tackle in coaching: lying.
Presenting for the Institute of Coaching at the Harvard Medical School Leadership Conference
Detecting lies is a difficult topic even for the experts. As coaches we have to deal with lying almost all the time. Pamela noticed this happening not only during the sessions but while her students were studying to become coaches. No matter the reason, conscious or subconscious, she found it a fascinating topic to research. The title of her presentation is “Detecting Lies During a Coaching Session and Making an Positive Comeback”.
This research topic led to the creation of a specific training in detecting lies, trying to view and read microexpressions, learn influential language that can be used during sessions and asking coaching questions differently. All coaches who participated in the study showed significant development in their ability to detect lies and make an effective comeback assisting their client in the best way possible.